September 2021 Scouting Beacon
We are excited to share our monthly Scouting Beacon! A special thank you to Melissa Snivley, Council V.P. of Membership for being our guest speaker.
DetailsWe are excited to share our monthly Scouting Beacon! A special thank you to Melissa Snivley, Council V.P. of Membership for being our guest speaker.
DetailsSee what is happening this fall in the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council. The August edition of the The Scouting Beacon talks about recruiting, October events and camp improvements.
DetailsCoronavirus Update July 21, 2021 Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Boy Scouts of America Roadmap to Program Resumption Update # 13 The Council COVID-19 Response Committee met virtually again on…
DetailsThe Pathfinder District of the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council is extremely important to the youth of our council. It covers the entire council geographically. Find out how your council is supporting the under served youth in our area and bringing Scouting into their lives.
DetailsThe Council COVID-19 Response Committee met virtually again on May 12, 2021 to review the status within the Council and to make necessary adjustments to the Council’s posture during this continued pandemic.
DetailsSouper Bowl of Caring 2021 Souper Bowl of Caring 2021 Food drive success! You helped us collect over 50,000 pounds of food! Your kindness and giving spirits helped local food…
DetailsLearn about the new program fees for the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council that will be effective in January 2022.
DetailsThe Council COVID-19 Response Committee met virtually on March 25, 2021 to review the current status within the Council and to make necessary adjustments to the Council’s posture during this continued pandemic.
DetailsPeter Collins, council president of the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council BSA, tells what is happening around the council this month.