One Year.
+10K Youth Members. +3K Adult Volunteers.
Unlimited Potential.

Every year, young people are introduced to life-changing Adventure, Education, Leadership, and Community Service experiences through the Boy Scouts of America’s Merit Badge program.

In this unique opportunity, we invite you to be the positive influence needed to produce the next generation of extraordinary local, regional, national, and global leaders.

The Merit Badge Sponsorship Program of Greater Tampa Bay Council (GTBAC), Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is designed to offer select business and community partners unique awareness and outreach opportunities themed around 135+ Merit Badges on topics from American Business to Woodwork.

Scouting underpins the development needs and education of youth by:

Ongoing adult mentoring | Scouting is a youth-led program supported by adult volunteers. The adults who choose to devote their time to being a positive influence for youth outside their own household make a multi-year commitment, seek and receive continuous training, and model the Scout Oath and Law, creating an environment where young people feel heard, seen, and supported during a critical time in their personal development.

Teaching relevant and useful life skills | Scouting offers young people the opportunity—through reading, comprehension, practical application, and field trip activities—to build knowledge and know-how related to 100+ topics that often help them discover and develop their purpose and passion in life.

Opportunities to hone leadership skills | Youth plan out and lead most of the meetings and activities in Scouting, mentored by adult volunteers who often where Scouts themselves. This interactive dynamic bolsters their confidence, establishes solid interpersonal skills, encourages teamwork, and teaches the value of follow through.

Scouting helps young people in five critical areas of growth:

Connection | Scouts are part of a community, something bigger than themselves.

Competency | Scouts learn basic life skills that supplement their classroom education.

Confidence | Through leadership and practical experience, Scouts gain a sense of their purpose and potential.

Caring | A Scout is a friend to all and through community service learns to how to positively contribute to society.

Character | A Scout is guided by the values of the Scout Oath and Law to make ethical and moral choices strong values.

2023 BSA Merit Badges

The following is a current list arranged into 14 categories. Badges required to earn Eagle are noted in red.

Agribusiness | Animal Science, Farm Mechanics, Plant Science
Arts and Crafts | Animation, Art, Basketry, Bugling, Leatherwork, Metalwork, Music, Pottery, Sculpture, Theater, Wood Carving
Business and Industry | American Business, Digital Technology, Entrepreneurship, Inventing, Mining In Society, Pulp & Paper, Communication, Journalism, Moviemaking, Photography, Public Speaking, Radio, Reading
Conservation | Environmental Science, Exploration, Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry, Soil & Water Conservation, Sustainability
Hobbies and Outdoors | Backpacking, Camping, Chess, Coin Collecting, Collections, Cooking, Dog Care, Gardening, Genealogy, Hiking, Model Design & Building, Pets, Pioneering, Scouting Heritage, Signs, Signals and Codes, Stamp Collecting, Wilderness Survival
Natural Science | Archaeology, Astronomy, Bird Study, Geology, Insect Study, Mammal Study, Nature, Oceanography, Reptile & Amphibian Study, Weather
Personal Development | American Cultures, American Heritage, Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Disabilities Awareness, Family Life, Indian Lore, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Scholarship
Physical Science | Chemistry, Electricity, Electronics, Energy, Nuclear Science, Space Exploration, Soil and Water Conservation
Professions | Architecture, Dentistry, Engineering, Game Design, Landscape Architecture, Law, Medicine, Programming, Robotics, Surveying,
Veterinary Medicine
Public Service | Crime Prevention, Emergency Preparedness, Fingerprinting, Fire Safety, First Aid, Lifesaving, Public Health, Safety, Search & Rescue
Sports | Archery, Athletics, Canoeing, Climbing, Cycling, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Geocaching, Golf, Horsemanship, Kayaking, Motorboating, Orienteering, Rifle Shooting, Rowing, Scuba Diving, Shotgun Shooting, Skating, Small-Boat Sailing, Snow Sports, Swimming, Water Sports, Whitewater
Trades | American Labor, Automotive Maintenance, Composite Materials, Drafting, Graphic Arts, Health Care Professions, Home Repairs, Painting, Plumbing, Welding, Woodwork
Transportation | Aviation, Railroading, Traffic Safety, Truck Transportation

For more information, please contact Zach Fitzgerald – [email protected]

Because of your involvement and investment, we can expand our positive impact and influence, serving even more young people in the Tampa Bay area.

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated October 31, 2023

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Stephen McKellar

Marketing Specialist
