
Empower your leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to deliver an outstanding Scouting program. Our training courses include:

Youth Protection Training (YPT)

Mandatory for all volunteers, ensuring a safe environment for our Scouts.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation(BALOO)

Prepares Cub Scout leaders for overnight camping trips.

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

Essential outdoor skills training for Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters.

Wood Badge

Advanced leadership course for experienced Scouters.


The annual process to renew your unit’s charter with the BSA, ensuring your Scouts and leaders are registered and covered by BSA insurance.

Here are some important reminders –

  • Internet Recharter System is open NOW!! You can start today! Click here:  Internet Recharter Log In
  • Unit Re-charters are due by December 15, 2022.
  • For the quickest processing of your recharters – ensure all adult Youth Protection Training is up to date for your adult leaders AND do not turn in your unit re-charter until it is complete – these are the two most common causes of delay
  • We are here to help! New this year – we have a dedicated email address to submit questions or comments too about rechartering – [email protected]

Internet Recharter Instructional Material

  • Special attention should be paid to the 14:55 instructional video.

Steps to follow when processing your recharter are:

Ensure that the currently registered unit Key 3 leaders are correct in My.Scouting so they can e-approve member and charter renewals. This is essential and must be done as soon as possible since changes at this step can delay the subsequent steps.

  1. Check that all youth and adults are currently registered with the unit appear on your roster in
  2. Complete and approve the on-line Unit Recharter process. This can be found by logging into Internet Advancement 2.0 and clicking on Recharter – Internet Recharter Log In
  3. Pay the 2023 BSA Registration fees and the Council Fees online through the Internet Recharter site. The preferred method to pay the recharter and council fee is via e-check or Credit Card.
  4. Applications for any new adults must be uploaded into the charter renewal as well as their Youth Protection Training Certificate and Criminal Background Check Authorization. This includes any adult who is moving from a Tiger Parent or Lion Parent into a leadership position and those who have turned 18 and are moving from a youth position to an Assistant Scoutmaster position or that is being entered as a Unit Participant (UP), Venturing Participant (VP), or Exploring Participant (EP). You will need to enter any adult who is on the charter as an AP or LP and moving into a leadership position or a youth moving into a new leader position or into a UP/VP or EP as a “New Adult” and upload all required documents.  If a unit chooses to submit physical membership applications to the Council Service Center all applications must be turned in prior to Council being able to process your unit’s charter renewal paperwork.
  5. Applications for any new youth must be uploaded into the charter renewal. If a unit chooses to submit physical membership applications to the Council Service Center all applications must be turned in prior to Council being able to process your unit’s charter renewal paperwork.
  6. Confirm that all required information has been completed on the adult and youth applications before uploading the documents.
  7. Note: A unit’s rechartering application cannot be approved by the National Service Center until all of the steps are complete.

The Key 3 leaders will receive an email for a final digital approval signature. This must be completed in order to finalize the Charter Renewal.

If you have chosen to pay by E-Check, please be aware that an email will be sent to you with instructions for verifying two micro deposits. These micro deposits must be validated by you in order to complete the payment process. Your charter renewal will not complete the submittal process until the micro deposits are confirmed.

To ensure a timely process of your Charter Renewal, be sure your CURRENT key leadership (including the COR and IH) have established their My.Scouting accounts and are ready to make approvals of new members and the charter renewal application. This message is only being sent to the unit Key 3 listed in My.Scouting  If your Scouting role has changed, please forward this message to the person who now has your former role.


Unit Commissioner, District Commissioner, and District Executive are great resources to help you through this process.  If you’re having trouble reaching one of your district’s leaders, please contact the Council Commissioner’s charter renewal team at [email protected]

Advancement and Recognition

Track and celebrate your Scouts’ progress:


Online tool for tracking advancement and managing your unit.

Religious Awards

Recognize Scouts who demonstrate faith and service.

Merit Badge Counselors

Volunteers who guide Scouts in earning merit badges.

Registration Fees and Scholarship Opportunities

Information on BSA membership fees and available scholarships to ensure every Scout has the opportunity to join.

Recruitment Resources

Attract new members to your unit with strategies and resources for effective recruitment campaigns.


Participate in our popcorn sale fundraiser to support your unit’s activities and adventures.

Events and Activities

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated March 10, 2025

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Travis Emery
