The Miccosukee District covers all areas north of 54th avenue in St. Petersburg to the Pasco County Line.

District Roundtable Meetings
Monthly Meetings
District Roundtable Meetings – Open to all leaders and interested adults. Roundtable is each month on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Camp Soule. Additional info (if any) will be posted on the District Facebook Page @
District Committee Meeting
District Committee Meetings – This meeting is normally held on the 1st Wednesday at 7:00PM of the month Online via Zoom unless otherwise scheduled by the District Key 3. All Miccosukee District Chairs, committee members, nominating committee and interested Adult Leaders are invited to attend. We encourage (1) representative from each Unit visit our District Committee meeting! For questions about Miccosukee District Committee, please contact Travis Norton at [email protected]
Order of the Arrow Meeting
Order of the Arrow, Osceola Chapter Meetings – See Uh-To-Yeh-Hut-Tee Lodge for information on the lodge schedule and events. Once each calendar year a troop or team may conduct an election within their unit to select scouts (up to age 21) and nominate adults for membership in the Order of the Arrow. In order to be eligible for election, a Scout must have: Click here to request an election for your unit!
- achieved the rank of First Class
- participated in 15 days/nights of camping in the past 2 years (must include but may only count one long term resident camp under the auspices of the BSA)
- the recommendation of their Scoutmaster
District Key 3
Position | Name |
District Executive | Kyle Molldene 813-955-0860 |
District Chair | John Black 727-415-7100 |
District Commissioner | Charles Love 727-282-4404 |
District Volunteers
Position | Volunteer |
District Assistant Commissioner | Vacant |
District Assistant Commissioner & Communications Chair | Natalie Black |
District Advancement Chair | Stacey Glogowski |
District Roundtable Commissioner | Jay Collman |
District Finance Chair | Vacant |
District Membership Chair | Robert Elmore |
District Training Chair | Jennifer Fehr |
District Program Chair | Vacant |
Osceola OA Chapter Adviser | Tyler Bohlender |
Osceola OA Youth Chapter Chief | Tyler Fabiszewski |
District Scouting For Food Chair | Gina Nunez |
District Social Communications Chair | Ken Mason |
District Popcorn Kernel | Gina Nunez |
Upcoming District Events
District Commissioner Frequently Asked Questions…
- Membership / Renewal Warning – In the renew membership email there is an option to “turn off auto renew”. If a member enables this feature, it makes the membership unrenewable. The wording is very problematic. If a user clicks this – they are in essence, turning off their scouting membership immediately! The office is aware and has contacted national.
- Remember, MEMBER’s now recharter and pay for themselves.
How do we merge our Boy and Girl Troop?
- A: Thats not possible at this time. As you may know, BSA is going to be testing Co-Ed Troops in various types of Cohorts. As we understand it, each council will be assigned one or more type of Pilot. Nothing is official as of yet. At this time, GTBAC is not on the list of approved pilot councils. As we understand it, some of the test units will be Co-Ed, some will be Linked, and there are a few other variations. Basically, for the units that National chooses will be a focus test group with possibly monthly update calls, This is going to most likely be a limited run. You will need to apply and be chosen. National is looking for existing G Troops and B Troops to try to connect together for this test. It sounds like after the initial test, they will again re-split the units up pending the feedback. Again, this is a short run (as its being said now) Think of this as a proof of concept.
- If you have a strong G and B troop that would like to test out the new pilot the District Commissioner Charles Love know. No matter what happens, keep in mind when these units camp, they will still need to camp separately.
- Also, This MUST start with your Charter Org. Check with your COR first, prior to going to Charles.
What are the Fees for Scouting for 2025?
- A: Effective April 1, 2024, BSA will no longer charge a one-time joining fee of $25 for new program participants. However, the yearly membership fee will increase. Remember, when a youth or adult registers for the first time, their membership will be valid for twelve months from the registration date, providing a full year of Scouting.
- Youth: $118 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting participants
- Adults: $86.00 for all adult volunteers
- Non-Unit Merit Badge Counselors: $25 (If tied to a unit with active BSA Subscription $0.00)
- $100 charter/affiliation fee (Per Unit – IE Pack and Troop will be $200)
- $15 for Scout Life magazine
How do I handle a crew youth who just turned 18.
- A: Anyone over 18 will need to do the adult app, and have YPT. The fee will be the youth fee.
- A: There is not a Crew/Venture App – Use the standard BSA one –
What’s the difference between a Scouter Reserve (91) and a College Scouter Reserve (92)?
- A: Scouter Reserve positions are for supportive adults who have no immediate, specific leadership role or direct contact with youth. The Scouter Reserve (non-unit registrant position code 91) is designed for any adult who would like to be “on reserve” should a Scouting unit need some extra help. The College Scouter Reserve (code 92) is designed specifically for college students who are interested in filling that same role. Both require criminal background checks and Youth Protection Training. Those who would like to volunteer as a reserve for specific units can use codes 91U and 92U, respectively. “This is from Aaron on Scouting. “The fee is the adult fee, because they are both over 18yrs.
Where are the most up-to-date Adult Applications?
- Adult:
- Youth:
- Please note, try not to use paper apps – use the new BeAScout.Org system to move, Dual Enroll, and Join a unit.
Can I transfer adults from unit to unit?
- A: YES! – You can now go to and fun the unit you want to dual-enroll with and the system will let you. In the event you run into an error, do a paper app.
How do I change an adult position in our unit?
- A: The COR or COR Delegate can log in to and move existing adults around in their positions. IE you can make a Committee Leader an Assistant Scoutmaster.
- Detailed info at
I heard there were some new recruitment materials, can you show them to me?
Where do I get the Fundraising Money Earning Application for 2023?
- A: Please provide this form to your Unit Commissioner. Insurance does NOT cover any Fundraisers unless you have a form on file with Council.
We have a new COR, what paperwork do I need?
- A: For the COR you need the Adult App + CBC along with prorated payment for the adult.
We have a new Executive Officer at our Charter, what paperwork do you need?
- A: For the new EO, You will need to fill out a new unit form – Fill out as much as you can and give to your Commissioner. This says new unit form, but its also used to add a new Executive Officer. Also, please include a letter from the charter explaining the change. Do not worry about the Fees the New Unit Application is also used to change the Exec Officer.
How do I promote someone from a Committee Role to a different role?
- A: Use the Position Manager in My.Scouting.Org – Only the COR (or COR Delegate) can change key positions while Committee Chair can change other roles.
We are thinking of starting a new unit, what is required?
- 1- Fill out the New Unit App –
- 2 – Fill out a minimum of 5 Adult leader Apps –
- Cubmaster, Skipper, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, etc.
- Committee Chair
- Committee Member
- Committee Member
- Fill out a minimum of 5 Youth Apps –
- New Unit Payment
- Need a minimum of 2 Paid Participants who will be primary at the new unit. (If paid for 2024, they will need to pay again for a new unit) All others can be dual enrolled in another unit.
- Paid Youths
- Paid Adults
- Need a minimum of 2 Paid Participants who will be primary at the new unit. (If paid for 2024, they will need to pay again for a new unit) All others can be dual enrolled in another unit.
- $100 Charter Fee
- All Paperwork should be provided to the District Commissioner for review prior to it going to the Council.
Unit Commissioners
Below is the current list of assigned Unit Commissioners.
- Charles Love (UC) – Troop 2022B, Pack 313, Troop 313B, Troop 313G
- John Black (ADC) – Pack 26, Pack 404, Pack 487, Troop 26B, Troop 484B
- Bruce Hoover – Pack9, Troop 9B
- Delphine Nasr – Pack 135, Troop 135B, Troop 135G, Troop 417B, Pack 417
- Geary Titus – Pack 10, Pack 43, Pack 600, Troop 10G, Troop 10B, Troop 600B
- Jeffrey Fabiszewski – Troop 340B, Crew 340
- Jim Ronayne – Troop 106B
- Ken Mason – Pack 431, Troop 431B, Troop 431G
- Norman Peterson – Pack 371, Pack 413, Troop 371B, Troop 371G, Troop 407B, Troop 413B, Troop 413G
- Robert McNew – Troop 468B, Crew 468, Pack 422, Troop 422B
- Theresa Ronayne – Pack 475, Troop 475B, Crew 475
Incident Reports & Insurance Forms
In the event you need to file an incident report or need to review the insurance policy, The most up-to-date forms are located here ->
Update your BeAScout PIN Info
Updating your pin is simple, and it’s a good way to make sure your information is current — that it doesn’t list last year’s Cubmaster or meeting time, for example. Access to update your pin is available to all unit leaders, including committee members in a unit. If you need help with your pin, please contact Charles Love.
To update your pin have any KEY 3 Go to and In the drop-down menu, go to your Unit. Click on “Organization Manager” and from here you can update your info and make corrections.
Annual Money Earning App
A unit must submit a Unit Money-Earning Application to the council at least two weeks prior to committing to your money-earning project. Whenever a unit is planning a money-earning project, refer to the BSA’s “Guides to Unit Money Earning Projects.” Please read this document before submitting the online application as there is a question in the application about this document. Understanding money earning guidelines will help in the selection of projects. Money earning projects help Scouts learn to pay their way.
Print out the form here ->
All unit fundraisers or money-earning projects except Popcorn Sales must be approved by the council. Insurance will not cover any fundraiser where there has been no application processed and approved.
Merit Badge Counselor Application
Recently National has made a change to merit badge counselors (MBC) and how they work in Scoutbook. You can no longer just say someone is a Merit Badge Counselor in Scoutbook, it MUST come from national and flow into Scoutbook, not the other way around (like it used to be). MBC’s need to be registered with a separate set of paperwork outside of your unit’s charter. This is a yearly process (yes really). This notice was posted in September of 2020 @ it discusses the change.
Update 11/2023 – How do I renew my Merit Badge Counselor for the 2024 Year.
A: National will send you an email to renew. If you want to change any of your assigned classes, or are a new Merit Badge Councilor, please do the below.
GTBAC NEW Merit Badge Counselor Application Packet
- (One Time) Take the Merit Badge Counselor Training In Person at a District or Council Event. If you wish to do it online, go into My.Scouting.Org and search for “Scouts BSA – Merit Badge Counselor Training” (it’s 2 separate courses). Print BOTH certificates.
- Login to My.Scouting.Org and Print your YPT Certificate.
- Print and Fill out the Merit Badge Counselor Application – (need wet ink signature!)
- Print and Fill out the Adult Application (need wet ink signature!) Dont Forget the CBC
The Packet to hand in should contain…
- A printed copy of your Current YPT
- A Printed copy of the Merit Badge Counselor Traning Completion Certificate
- A Printed copy of the Merit Badge Counselor Application
- A Printed copy of the Adult Application & CBC Form – Needs to be Fully Filled Out, code 42, even the stuff on the right of the app. be sure you use the current app that’s linked above
Hand your packet to your Unit Commissioner to have processed.
Printable Council Calendar
Some people have asked me to link the Council Calendar. Use the 3 links below.
Adding the Council Calendar to your Outlook or other calendar program (such as your phone)
- Open Outlook Calendar.
- Go to “My Calendars” and right click, then choose “Add Calendar”, then “From Internet…”.
- Paste into the textbox, then hit OK.
You can also add the calendar to your iPhone.
- Go into Settings/Account and click Add Account
- Pick “Other” at the bottom
- Pick “Add Subscribed Calendar”
- Type in
- On the next screen enable remove alerts and click Save.
BSA Saftey Moments
BSA Applications – Please Read!
Tips for Success!
Update: As of 4/2023 you can use to join a unit or dual enroll into a unit.
- Youth who is new to Scouting = Use Online via unit’s QR Code or Paper App
- Youth who has been in Scouts Before = Paper App Only
- Youth who is transferring = Scout Transfer via
- Adult who is new to Scouting = Use Online via unit’s QR Code or Paper App
- Adult who has been in Scouts Before = Paper App Only
- Adult who is transferring (or dual enrolling into your unit) = Paper App Only