The National Jamboree is the most awesome event a Scout, Sea Scout or Venturer could attend. It’s everything you can do in Scouting–and more–in one spot just for you . . . and about 40,000 of your friends from around the country and around the world! It’s 10 days of adventure and excitement that you don’t want to miss!!

The National Jamboree happens only once every 4 years, chances are scouts may have only one opportunity to attend a National Scout Jamboree.

Here’s how you can lock-in your spot for this unique scouting adventure. The Greater Tampa Bay Council is putting together 4 units of approximately 120 total participants. Spots are limited, so we highly encourage you to confirm your spot as soon as possible.

National Jamboree Registration Open NOW!

Cool news about the next National Scout Jamboree!

Youth Registrations

Since this is a National Event, Registration is in 2 parts – local and National:

  1. Register here to be a part of the council contingent.
  2. Register for the event with National
    1. Directions will be forthcoming once National Registration is open.  .
  3. Our council will review the application and place them into a Jamboree Troop.  You will receive a notification when you application is accepted.

Adult Registrations

The National Jamboree is a capstone experience for our Youth.  To become an adult leader, please complete the application on the link below.  If you are accepted then you will complete the same process as a Youth Registration.

Jamboree Adult Leader Application

Youth Participant Qualifications

  • MUST have a current BSA membership.
  • MUST be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.  (An email will be sent to the parent/guardian of any applicant currently 17 years of age or younger during the application process.)
  • Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
  • Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process.  The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
  • Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.

Young Adult Program Participant Qualifications

  • MUST have a current BSA membership.
  • MUST be at least 18 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
  • MUST be housed as an adult due to chronological age, while allowed to participate in program consistent with a youth participant.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
  • Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process.  The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
  • Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.

Adult Leader Participant Qualifications

  • All Jamboree Scoutmasters, First, Second, Third Assistant Scoutmasters, and Unit Care Providers  MUST meet the following requirements:
  • MUST have a current BSA membership in a local council unit.
  • All leaders regardless of assigned position MUST be at least 21 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • Scoutmaster, First, Second or Third Assistant Scoutmasters MUST currently be serving in any unit leadership position.
  • Scoutmaster applicants MUST have completed appropriate leader specific training.
  • All adult leaders MUST be current with Youth Protection Training.
  • All adults must register online through the Jamboree registration system as a “Leader”. The council will designate specific leadership or chaperone positions at the time the Jamboree units are assigned.
  • Participate and assist in planning the pre-Jamboree training experience with local council.
  • The Unit Care Provider must be one of the Unit Leaders (SM or ASM) and is required to hold either current Wilderness First Aid and CPR certificates or a current healthcare license (MD, DO, APRN, RN, PA, Paramedic, EMT). This unit leader’s responsibilities include providing for the safety and well-being of each unit member by a) reviewing their AHMR and maintaining a binder/file containing all of the Unit’s AHMRs, b) maintaining the Unit First Aid Kit and providing first aid treatment within the unit and c) overseeing administration of required medications.
  • Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process.  The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2025.
  • Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.

GTBAC National Jamboree Refund Policy

  • Fees for the National Jamboree are transferable to another Scouts not already registered for the same activity. There is no penalty for this option.
  • Shirts and other added items are not refundable if those items have already been ordered, but will be available for later pickup.
  • A portion of the fee paid may be withheld to cover costs of supplies and other expenses for the event.
  • If for some reason a participant is unable to attend, a refund may be considered minus the non-refundable deposit of $250 if the participant’s spot is able to be filled with another eligible participant

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated January 16, 2025

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Jason Borton

Director of Support Services

Email | 813-624-9764