Welcome to the Scouting program in the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council!  We are happy to have you and your family.  To better serve our memberships, the Scouting program is divided into age appropriate units.  You can also see what is happening around you by choosing your District.

Scouting Programs

Cub Scouts

Family Focused
Outdoor Based Program
Elementary Boys and Girls

Scouts BSA

Outdoor Skills Based
Leadership Program
Boys and Girls Ages 11 – 17

Sea Scouts

Nautical Leadership Development
Coed Ages 14 – 20


High Adventure
Leadership Development
Coed Ages 14 – 20


In Depth Career Exploration
Coed Ages 14 – 20

Scouting Districts

Districts allow the Scouting fun to be close to home for all of our members.  Don’t forget we are one big Scouting Family so you can go to events in any district and even other councils!

Resources for Youth Participants

Here is the information you need to succeed in your Scouting Program.

All Things Eagle Scout

Information on Earning the Highest Award in Scouts BSA

Youth Training

Information on training opportunities for youth including NYLT, Den Chief, PowderHorn and more.

Order of the Arrow

Information on Scouting’s Honor Society and GTBAC’s Uh-To-Yeh-Hut-Tee OA Lodge

Venturing Officers Association

Information on the Venturing Officer’s Association.


Information on Advancement across all of the Scouting Programs.

Resources for Adult Leaders

Here is the information you need to help us give a successful Scouting Program.

Unit Leader Information

Information for Adults Leading Youth in our Programs

Annual Unit Program Planning

Tools developed to assist you with your Annual Unit Program Planning Conference.

District Volunteers

Information for district volunteers including the Council Event and Activity Guide.

Council Forms

Forms needed for Scouting Volunteers and Units.

Adult Training

Information on the various adult training opportunities including Wood Badge and Powder Horn.

Multi-Unit Event Form

If your unit is looking to do an event with another unit, this form must be completed and submitted to council.

Unit Fundraisers

An opportunity for your Scouts to earn their Scouting fees for the year.

Adult Awards

From Den Leader Service awards to the Silver Beaver.  Find out about the many awards Scouting offers its leaders.

Program Committees

From program areas to training and more find out about the different volunteer committees in our council.


Commissioners are district and council volunteer leaders who help Scout units succeed.

Scouting Alumni

Events and networking opportunities for Alumni of Scouting in the Greater Tampa Bay Area

Tampa Bay Eagle Scouts

Since the first Eagle badge was awarded in 1912 to Arthur Eldred, a 17-year-old member of Troop 1 (Long Island, NY), it has been the pinnacle of the Scouting program. Today we invite you to join us in enhancing and expanding the impact of your accomplishment.

The Directory Of BSA Alumni

Creating a BSA Alumni Directory account connects you to the friends you made, the memories you shared, and the adventures that helped shape the person you are today. Sign up today to update your profile so your fellow alumni can find you and you can reconnect with the friends you miss—- perhaps around the campfire

Member Recognition Events

Events for youth and adult leaders.  Silver Beaver, Eagle Banquet, NOESA

Council Recognition Banquet

Celebrate Tampa’s newest Eagle Scouts, distinguished Silver Beaver recipients, and other volunteers at our formal dinner.


The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award is presented as part of the Eagle Banquet.

Silver Beaver

The highest recognition bestowed by the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council for distinguished service by a Scouter.

National Resources and Opportunities

Information from the National Council.

National High Adventure Bases

Discover how you can take the adventure of a lifetime.

National Links

Links to commonly requested pages on the National Website.

National Jamboree

Find out about the National Jamboree.

International Scouting

Information about Scouting around the Globe and on the World Jamboree.

Recharter Resources

Information about rechartering your unit.

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated February 11, 2025

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Jason Borton

Director of Support Services

Email | 813-624-9764