January 2023 Scouting Beacon
Welcome to 2023! Learn about the national trainings available with the council this year from Eric Perron, our National Trainings Coordinator.
Welcome to 2023! Learn about the national trainings available with the council this year from Eric Perron, our National Trainings Coordinator.
The December Scouting Beacon is here! Thank you to Nick Digirolamo, the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Commissioner, for being our guest. In this edition of the Scouting Beacon, Nick…
DetailsIn this Scouting Beacon, Emily Thomas discusses the importance of Veteran’s Day to Scouts as well as upcoming events in November and December.
The October Scouting Beacon is here! Thank you to Jay Sheridan for being our guest! In this video, Jay shares information about Winter Camp and provides an update about recruitment…
DetailsIn this Scouting Beacon, Emily Thomas shares information about recruitment materials that are currently available and details about upcoming council events like Spook-O-Ree!
See what is happening this fall in the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council.
DetailsGet ready for an exciting summer in the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council.
DetailsHear what Alexandra Behrend, GTBAC Director of Field Service, has to say about the council and upcoming events.
DetailsCoronavirus Update March 2022 Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Boy Scouts of America Roadmap to Program Resumption Update # 19 The Council COVID-19 Response Committee leadership met virtually on March…
DetailsThe Greater Tampa Bay Area Council has hired Mike Butler as at the new Scout Executive effective March 1, 2022.