Council Awards

Silver Beaver Nominations

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council level. Form:

Submissions due by March 1, 2025.
Email your completed application in PDF format, to [email protected]. Silver Beavers will be recognized at the Council Banquet April 25, 2025.

District Award of Merit

The District Award of Merit is a prestigious recognition for registered Scouters who have provided exceptional service at the district level. This award honors individuals who have made a significant impact on youth through Scouting, in their community, or both. Nominees may have chaired or served on district committees like Advancement or Training, contributed as part of the District Commissioner Corps, or supported events such as day camps and recruiting drives. Their dedication to ensuring the district runs smoothly and successfully exemplifies the spirit of Scouting, making them outstanding role models for our youth. Form:

NOESA Nominations

The Greater Tampa Bay Area Council National Eagle Scout Association Committee is seeking nominations for the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award. Requirements for this prestigious award include:

All NOESA recipients must be Eagle Scouts in good standing with the Boy Scouts of America and must either be registered with or have their primary residence within the boundaries of the nominating council. Examples of possible recipients include:

Local heroes and celebrities at the peak of their notoriety whose achievements outside of Scouting have touched and inspired others

Philanthropists, public servants, educators, or business owners who have made a positive, long-term impact as cornerstones of the community
Individuals who have attained prominence at the state or regional level in their profession or avocation Each recipient’s actions and accomplishments should elevate the stature of Eagle Scouts in the public eye, and each recipient shall be held to the standards set forth in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and national BSA standards for membership. Longevity is not a sufficient reason for selection.

Nomination Form

NOESA will be honored at a separate event. Submission due by April 18, 2025.

Please email your nominations to [email protected] by April 18, 2025, do not send to National.

NOESA Nomination Instructions

Melinda and Glenn Adams Award

The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project in 2023!

Examples of projects that have been selected for the ESSPY include projects that benefited underprivileged children, recognized veterans, were international in nature, and have required significant time and resources. Selection of recipients begins at the local level and is conducted through the Council NESA committee. The Council NESA committee selects a recipient for their respective Council from the list of submitted nominations and then forwards a worthy candidate to the National Eagle Scout Association for National Service Territory (NST) consideration.   “Territory” ESSPY recipients are selected by NESA’s NST scholarship committee. Territory recipients receive $300 available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or activity.   The recipient of the National award is then selected from among NST recipients by a special selection committee of the National Eagle Scout Association. The national recipient receives $3,500, available for their future educational purposes or to attend a national or international Scouting event or activity.

Please email your nominations to [email protected] by Jan. 31, 2025, do not send directly to National.

The application can be found at:

Dadez Family Scholarship Award

The Dadez Family Eagle Scout Values Award will be presented to an Eagle Scout who has lived a life of honesty, integrity, respect, responsibility, and leadership with a demonstrated commitment to the ideals of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

The award is open to all Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and are graduating from high school this year. Strong consideration will be given to individuals matriculating in an institution of higher education or enlisting in the armed forces. The year that the Eagle rank was awarded is not restricted.

The annual award will be presented at the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council’s Eagle Scout Reception and will include a certificate, medal, and a $1000.00 cash award. The honoree is chosen by members of the Dadez family from the nominations received.

Completed applications are due by March 24, 2024.

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated December 3, 2024

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Stephen McKellar

Marketing Specialist
