The Thunderbird District serves western Polk County including Bartow, Fort Meade, Kathleen, Lakeland, and Mulberry.

District Roundtable Meetings
7:00 p.m. on the 1st Thursday of every month
First Presbyterian Church
Higginbotham Family Scout Building
175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr.,
Lakeland, Florida 33801
District Committee Meeting
7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday
- on zoom -> ID : 953 399 2090
- in-person -> April / August/ December
Zoom link is emailed to all District leaders, others contact Hary Nair for meeting login
District Key 3
District Committee
District Staff
Position | Professional |
District Exec | Vacant |
Field Director | Jeremy Twachtman |
Director of Field Service | Travis Emery |
Upcoming District Events
Lakeland Soaring Eagles Dinner
Event Location: Bonnet Springs Park, Lakeland, FL
This is the annual Friends of Scouting fundraising dinner organized by the GTBAC in association with the Thunderbird District. Event is open to all patrons of Scouting in the area. Special guests include official dignitaries, business members of the community and such.
The purpose of the event is to raise awareness in the community of a strong Scouting presence in the area and to generate financial support for the Scouting program in our local Thunderbird District. Come prepared to donate to Scouting so we can continue to grow the program in Thunderbird and support our youth.
Save the Date – February 26, 2025 and remember to bring your Check books too.
Trainings Strengthen Scouting
Train Your Leaders...
Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader…
Send your leaders to these Upcoming Classic Trainings. Wood Badge Courses fill in pretty quickly due to limited offerings and enrollment per year, so reserve your spot and help your unit Leaders fulfill their purpose in Scouting journey. Scholarships available in some cases.
Register here for the next Wood Badge Offered in our Council
Let Us Train OUR Youth...
Trained Scouts become Better Leaders!!
A formal training and consistent mentoring is all it takes to lead a youth to become a world class leader. Let’s help the cause and send our Youth to these amazing trainings within our GTBA Council and at National opportunities. National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is one of those opportunities.
NAYLE – A training beyond NYLT
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is an exciting program where young men and women enhance their leadership skills through team building, ethical decision-making, problem solving and service to others. NAYLE is a very special experience. The week concludes with a closing challenge for each Scout to use what they’ve learned in service to others. Scouts must be 14 but not yet 20 years old, hold a unit leadership position, and have completed NYLT. Register for upcoming NAYLE by Clicking on the image.
Helpful Links
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Calendar
BSA Training & GTBAC Training Calendar
Order of the Arrow: Uh-To-Yeh-Hut-Tee Lodge
Links to forms
Annual Health and Medical Form
High adventure Camp Activity Waiver Form
GTBAC Shooting Sports Permission Slip
Council Award Nomination Forms
Ready to Join?
If you are ready to become a part of the Scouting experience then please use the button below to find a Scouting unit near you.
If you have additional questions please call 813-872-2691, ext 101.
Please note: National Scouting fees are non-refundable.