Timucua serves the southern half of Hillsborough County

District Roundtable Meetings
District Roundtables are held on the second Thursday of every month in person at:
Kings Avenue Baptist Church
2602 S Kings Ave
Brandon, FL 33511
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Roundtable
6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Networking
7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Opening and Hot Topic
7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Program Breakouts
District Commissioner Meeting
1st Thursday of every month
Zoom (Please contact District Executive Catherine Eisenhart-Mora for link)
6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
District Committee Meeting
1st Thursday of every month
Who’s Invited: All Unit Charter Organization Representatives, District Committee Members and Commissioners
NOTE: Zoom (Please contact District Executive Catherine Eisenhart-Mora for link)
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
District Volunteers
District Chair | Michael French |
Vice Chair | Dawn Dyer, Ph.D. |
Finance | Vacant |
FOS Coordinator | William Thomas |
Membership | Hank Schneider |
Nominating | Dawn Dyer, Ph.D. |
Program | Cynthia Martin |
Advancement | Donn Westerhoff |
Activities & Civic Service | Vacant |
Camping | Sean MacKay |
Communication | Jacky Costello |
Training | Donn Westerhoff |
YPT Champion | Deb Mackay |
District Commissioner | Frank Brown |
Asst. District Commissioner | Tom McMullen |
Asst. District Commissioner | Nelson Mora |
Roundtable Commissioner—Cubs | Alex Perschall |
Roundtable Commissioner—Scouts BSA | Toby Hansen |
Roundtable Commissioner—Scouts BSA | Vacant |
Unit Commissioner | Bob Lindsey |
Unit Commissioner | Frank Brown |
Unit Commissioner | Elizabeth Hinkle |
Unit Commissioner | Morgan Hinkle |
Unit Commissioner | Pete McKeever |
Unit Commissioner | E.G. Williams |
Unit Commissioner | Kellye Williams |
Unit Commissioner | Elizebeth Brown |
Unit Commissioner | Jeffrey Johnson |
District Staff
Position | Professional |
District Executive | Catherine Eisenhart-Mora |
District Director | Sharrod McCree |
Director of Field Service | Travis Emery |
Upcoming District Events
Bring a friend to Roundtable! This monthly event provides program topic guidance and structure suggestions for unit all leaders. Bring Scouters, parents and anyone from your unit and learn how you can make the Scouting program more fun for our youth.
District Roundtables
Roundtable is a form of commissioner service and supplemental training for volunteers at the unit level. The objectives of Roundtables are to provide leaders with program ideas, information on policy and events, and training opportunities.
District Committee Meetings
The entire district committee, chaired by the district chair, meets on a regularly scheduled monthly date. The purpose of district meetings is to build momentum, provide group continuity, ensure good coordination, and make specific assignments to committee members. The district commissioner reports on the special needs of units and requests the help of operating committees to meet those needs.
District Commissioner Meetings:
Commissioner Service is the group within the Boy Scouts of America that provides direct service to each Scouting unit (pack, troop, team, crew or ship). Commissioners are experienced Scouters who help chartered organizations and unit leaders to achieve the aims of Scouting by using the methods of Scouting. They help to ensure that each unit has strong leadership and they encourage training, promote the use of the unit committee and encourage a relationship with the chartering organization.
Youth Protection Training
The online Youth Protection Training System can be a little confusing. Here is a step by step guide to get you started. If you already know your my.scouting.org login, then you can skip to page 9.
Unit Leader Resources
Here are some online resources, forms and applications that can help you with your unit.
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Forms Page
Scroll to the bottom to get council specific forms such as requesting a General Liability Insurance Certificate
Cub Scout Packs
This page is from National and contains a ton of great resources for your pack including resources for each Den.
Leader Helps
Material from local volunteers to help your pack or troop run smoother.
Adult Rewards
Please submit Applications for Adult and Leader Awards using the district online form. This allows us to keep track of them and make sure they are awarded in a timely manner.
We NEED YOU! Become a Unit Commissioner Today!!
Scouting: A Volunteer with a Purpose – Unit Commissioner
Make an IMPACT statement by working with a unit (Unit = Pack, Troop or Crew) on being the behind the scene leadership on building youth with Character.
Bring your life experiences, education, and perspective, and in return, you will have an opportunity to combine those skills and experiences in a career that values and respects others.
- Bring your experiences to our district as a Unit Commissioner. The Commissioners role is to develop strength within the Unit by providing program resources, and acting as the liaison between the Unit and the District and Council. This helps Units provide the best possible Scouting program, which ultimately helps assure that individual Scouts have the best opportunity to achieve their best.
- CEO, CFO, Parent, Retired Professional, Baker, Indian Chief, Eagle Scouts, Worker-Bee alike – all of you can be a commissioner.