Scouting offers four High Adventure bases with new challenges and new excitement.

You’ll leave these properties with special memories of fun and accomplishment.

If you need more payment flexibility, contact Christine Chansley to discuss different payment options. We’ll do our best to help. Please get in touch with Christine Chansley for payment assistance.


Heralded as Scouting’s Paradise, Philmont Scout Ranch is the crown jewel of the National High Adventure Bases. GTBAC Contingents currently go on 12-day expeditions (14 days with travel) into the backcountry with the itinerary being picked by the Scouts at the annual Philmont Training weekend/shakedown.


BSA Aquatic Adventures start at the Florida Sea Base. GTBAC Contingents currently go on either the Keys Sailing Adventure or on an expedition out of the Brinton Environmental Center, such as the Marine Eco Expedition or Big Munson Out Island Adventure.


Northern Tier promises the Scouting adventure of a lifetime in the Great North Woods of Northern Minnesota and Canada. GTBAC Contingents currently center on backcountry canoe trips out of the Charles L Sommers Base in Ely, MN.

CLICK HERE for information on Northern Tier


More than 70,000 acres to explore in West Virginia’s New River Gorge National River Area. Enjoy whitewater rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, and plenty more. The Summit is the permanent home of the National Scout Jamboree, the program we send contingents to.

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated March 27, 2025

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Matthew Hall

Program Director
