This page is for supplemental materials for the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Scout Reach Program
This week the Scouts will be learning the basics of Scouting while earning their Bobcat badge. They will also practice folding an American Flag.
Meeting Opening Ceremony
Activity 1 – Scout Oath and Law
Activity 2 -Scout sign, handshake, motto and salute
Activity 3 – Flag Folding
Meeting Closing Ceremony
This week the Scouts will be learning how we can be safe and clean outdoors.
Activity 1- Outdoor Code/LNT
Activity 2 –Knot Tying
Activity 3 – Animals/Weather
Activity 4 – Hike
Take Home Pamphlets
This week the Scouts will be discussing our community and our role in it.
This week we will be discussing how we can do our duty to God and how we can show appreciation for other people’s beliefs. We will also be learning a little about physical fitness.
This week the Scouts will be focusing on staying healthy and fit. We will be doing simple balancing and coordination games first, then we will be discussing the five food groups and making out own healthy meal plan.
Today we are going to talk about what you can to be a good sport. We are also going to have a relay race. It should be fun.
This week we will be talking about hiking. We will be learning about the ”Cub Scout 6 Essentials”, and the “buddy system. These two things are very important in helping to keep you all safe while in the outdoors. In Scouts we use the buddy system for everything we do. You should never find yourself alone as a scout.
This meeting has two parts. The first is completing the last adventure for the Wolf Badge. The second is the awards ceremony for the Scouts to recognize their accomplishments over the summer. This meeting may go a little longer as we are giving out awards.
The meeting space requires a “stage” this could be an actual stage or an open area to the front of the room where the Scouts can perform and get their awards.
Meeting Plan and Needed Printouts:
Activity 1 – Communication Ideas
- See below for sign language videos.
Activity 2 – Cub Scout Skits
Activity 3 – Awards Ceremony
Sign Language Videos
Cub Scout Motto – Required to watch
Scout Oath – Optional to watch