You are Invited to Attend Wood Badge!
Wood Badge is the most advanced national BSA training program for adult Scout leaders and Scout professionals offered at the council level.
The Wood Badge experience comes with decades of Scouting knowledge, a skilled and helpful staff, and a guided tour through the Scouting program. You will learn how to be a better leader, manage conflict, and develop your adult and youth leaders so they can effectively plan projects and achieve objectives. The first section is practical training which takes place in a camp setting; during this portion of the course you will learn and practice a variety of leadership skills. During the second portion, you will apply your newly acquired skills to complete the five goals of your choosing.
Registered adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, aged 18 years and older.
If you cannot pay the entire Wood Badge course fee, there are multiple options available to you. Ask your unit or chartering organization for assistance. Some labor unions and employers will pay a portion since you are gaining valuable workplace skills. Also, the council has a Wood Badge Scholarship Fund. Amount granted, if any, depends on availability of funds, overall demand, and information provided. To apply for a scholarship, you must register online with at least a $50 deposit, and complete an Application for Wood Badge Training Scholarship. To be considered, please submit the completed scholarship application via e-mail to Jason Borton ([email protected]) at least 60 days before the course begins.
To contribute to the scholarship fund, please contact Christine Chansley at [email protected].
Greater Tampa Bay Area Council held a reunion of adult leaders who have earned the right to wear the Wood Badge beads by completing the formal course and their tickets. Among the more than 100 alumni who attended the event were course directors from 13 previous Wood Badge courses.
Wood Badge Reunion Held at Camp Soule