Unit Fundraising Opportunities


Finance Policies

The way in which a unit earns money to carry out its program is of great importance in the education of youth members in basic values. Here are a few tips to remember in planning ways for your unit to earn money:

  • Boys should be taught to earn their own way. This can be accomplished through product sales. There must be a value received through a sale that stands on its own merit.
  • Money-raising projects that include the sale of raffle tickets are in violation of BSA policy.
  • No member of a unit is allowed to solicit funds from the community on behalf of their unit. Units are generally not equipped with a 501(c)(3) to provide tax statements to a donor.
  • In accordance with federal law and local council policies, the council can not use its 501(c)(3) status for the sole benefit of a unit.
  • It is against BSA policy to endorse a business establishment or entity by promoting it to receive a financial benefit.
  • Units should complete a money earning application 2 weeks prior to any money earning project.
  • Wearing the Scout uniform is only permissible during the Popcorn Sale campaign or other Council sponsored fundraisers.

Following these simple rules and guidelines will help strengthen the financial resources of your unit. Money-earning project application forms are available in .pdf format, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view them. [Money Earning Application]


Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated October 12, 2016

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Katie Sheffield
