Upcoming Powder Horn Course
December 13-15, 2024
Flaming Arrow Scout Reservation
1201 Boy Scout Camp Road
Lakes Wales, FL 33898
Early Bird Price $175 until 11/15
Regular Price $200
Registration closes 11/29
Course Director: Hary Nair
[email protected]
Assistant Course Director: Matt Coe
[email protected]

Powder Horn is a skills resource course for Venturing, Scout, and Sea Scout leaders and youth age 14 and older. Powder Horn is also described as a “hands-on resource management course” designed to give Scouting leaders “the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program” in their Scouting unit. The goals of Powder Horn are to help Scout leaders safely conduct outdoor activities of a fun and challenging nature, provide an introduction to the resources necessary to successfully lead youth through a program of high adventure, and familiarize participants with the skills involved in different high adventure disciplines.
The Powder Horn course will also introduce Venturing leaders to the Ranger youth award program, so adults may better help Venturers in meeting the Ranger award requirements. Powder Horn presents a wide variety of hands-on high adventure skills experiences, and thus is not designed to provide specific skills certifications. Youth attendees will get first-hand experience and information as well as resources so they can better act as Event Chairs for their units.
Powder Horn is sponsored by the GTBAC Council Training Committee. Participants from GTBAC and other councils are welcome!
For YOUTH and ADULT leaders—the perfect family course!
Powder Horn Requirements
- Participants and staff must be a registered BSA adult, Scout at least 14 years old, or a member of a Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship
- Participants and staff must complete the BSA Annual Health & Medical Record, Parts A-C
- Youth must have unit leader approval to attend
Powder Horn Training Prerequisites
- Youth Protection Training
- Hazardous Weather
- Safety Afloat
- Safe Swim Defense
- Climb on Safely
- Youth must complete either Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), Crews (ILSC), or Ships (ILSS), or National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
- Adults must be trained for their position
Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated February 12, 2024
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