Eagle Scout information can be found HERE.


Guide to Advancement 2019Click HERE for the latest copy.

This is a great time to remind everyone about a very important statement in the Guide to Advancement 2017.

“Policy on Unauthorized Changes to Advancement Program

No council, committee, district, unit, or individual has the authority to add to, or subtract from, advancement requirements. There are limited exceptions relating only to youth members with special needs. For details see section 10, “Advancement for Members With Special Needs.”

This includes, but is not limited to, adding age requirements for any rank other than what is prescribed by national policy.


Program Updates for Pack, Troops, and Crews–Click HERE for the latest program updates.

Boy Scout rank requirement changes took effect January 1, 2016. Be sure you are using the CURRENT requirements. Click HERE for a comparison of the old vs. the new requirements.


Timucua Advancement Chair: John Sangiorgio     timucua.adv@gmail.com  

Timucua Religious Emblems Chair: vacant

Timucua Disabilities Awareness Chair: vacant




Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated January 4, 2021

Please contact the page authors with your feedback:

David Carlson

Email | 813-417-1796

Kellye Keough Williams
