Effective immediately, units do not need to turn in the unit’s section of a Scout’s Merit Badge Blue Card to document earned merit badges. Instead, troops should follow these steps:

1. Upon completion of the merit badge, the Scout turns in the Blue Card to the Scoutmaster for final signature.
2. The troop’s Advancement Chair receives the card from the Scoutmaster and verifies it is complete and valid.
3. Once the card is checked, the Advancement Chair enters the completed merit badge into Internet Advancement.
4. The card is kept in the unit’s files, preferably until the Scout turns 18 years old, plus three months. The District Advancement Team will periodically ask to see some cards to verify counselors.
5. As before, a copy of your troop’s Internet Advancement report is required at the Scout Shop to pick up all badges.

If you have any questions, please contact your District Advancement Chair or the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Advancement Chair.