There are several types of International events in which BSA youth can participate. They range from World Organization of Scouting Movement – WOSM, world and regional events as part of a BSA contingent such as World Jamborees, (ages 14 -17) and Moots, (ages 18-26) down to council, unit, and individual scout activities.

Listed below is the latest information starting with WOSM & BSA activities.

25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea – August 1 to August 12 + pre jamboree touring.

Join 50,00 Scouts from more than 170 counties.

Registration is about to close. Go to:


2013_art1The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. Held on the third full weekend of October each year, this worldwide jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby radio amateur’s ham shack. This blog post from Bryan on Scouting provides more information on this exciting event.

In the Greater Tampa Bay Council, amateur or “ham” radio operators visit SpookORee, bringing their gear so Scouts can share Scouting fellowship over the airwaves. There are many ways to get your Scouts involved in JOTA. For more information about JOTA please go to, For information regarding our council JOTA contact, Ian Greig, by email at


European Scout Voluntary Program (formerly Camp Staff Program)

Through the European Scout Voluntary program, young leaders from the Boy Scouts of America have the opportunity to learn more about Scouting in Europe by working at a European Scout center. Scout centers in Europe do not operate in the same way that BSA camps do. The staff members of a typical European Scout center are usually involved in many different aspects of operating the center rather than specializing in one particular area.

All participants in the European Program must be between 18 and 30 years of age and must be volunteers registered with the Boy Scouts of America. To ensure that the experience is worthwhile, participants should be prepared to commit themselves to work for a minimum of six weeks.

For information regarding available centers, please go to http;//

Throughout that page you will access the initial information about the participating sites. From there, you can choose a site and complete the application .

Participants pay for their own travel, but usually the Europeans will reimburse a minimum of 30% of the overall travel costs.


International Spirit Award

Registered Scouts and Scouters who have completed the necessary requirements, have gained a greater knowledge of international Scouting, and have a greater appreciation and awareness of different cultures have countries may receive the International Spirit Award. The requirements and the application are here.

Jamboree of the Trail (JOTT)

Jamboree of the Trail is a annual day for all members of the World Scout Movement to hike together. All Scouts, whatever their age and whereever they are in the world, are invited to participate in whatever way they can.

JOTT can be organized by a district or a single unit. It can be held as part of a weekend camp or outing. Patches are available.

This event is always held on the second Saturday in May each year. In 2017 the date is May 13.

For further information visit or just search JOTT on Google.

National Jamborees in Other Nations

Members of the BSA are always invited to attend national jamborees of other nations.

These are planned:

Mongolia:  July 27 – August 2, 2017

Denmark:  July 22 – 30, 2017

Norway: July 1 – 8, 2017

Third InterAmerican Scout Moot: 2018 in Peru

16th World Scout Moot: July 22 – August 1, 2021, Ireland

Canadian Scouting

A friendly welcome awaits members of the BSA who want an international experience closer to home. There are several camporees held every year by Scouts Canada.

Scouts Canada has very highly regarded scout camps and maintains very high standards of health and safety at all of its facilities. Troops that want an international summer camp are very welcome. Usually Scouts Canada will accept BSA insurance.

For more information, visit Scouts Canada at

For more information about International Scouting opportunities, contact Ian Greig, Council International Scouting Representative, at or 813-908-7698.

Have questions or feedback about this page? Last updated April 29, 2024

Please contact the page author with your feedback:

Jason Borton

Director of Support Services

Email | 813-624-9764